Emulet bundles

Emulate program for each Emulet Application is distributed among 50 uniquely designed bundles ensuring a learner experiences all processes and best practices that are executed in the industry to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain complex AI pipelines on actual industry environments.

Introducing the client: This bundle will introduce a company that currently requires technology development services for enabling their business. This company and its team will be referred to as "client" for all future references.  High level view on client's current business, products, end customers and the technology stack employed to support the business. 


Client's current business problem: This bundle will introduce client's current business problem, the root cause for this problem, its impact on the client's business, proposed solution by client's product technology team, rough timeline and budget approved by client's C-suite executives. Understand the urgency by client's product technology team to outsource the technology development to an external technology development company to develop & deploy AI that solves client's current problem.


Introduction to PreProd Develop: This bundle will introduce the technology development service provider company which will be referred to as PreProd Develop for all future references. High level introduction to company's vision, mission, team strength, notable deliveries, etc. that will enable the client to understand the technological depth and capabilities of PreProd Develop.


Service offerings deck by PreProd Develop: Experience PreProd Develop designs a customized deck to pitch company's technological and delivery capabilities to the client's C-suite executives that enables them to make a decision to take their discussions further for their current technological outsourcing requirements as described in bundle 02.


MVP demo by PreProd Develop: Experience PreProd Develop design, develop and demonstrate a custom minimal viable product (MVP) which is very close to what the client is expecting to develop as a solution that solves their current business problem. This demonstration ensures that the client experiences AI and understands the agility & technological depth that PreProd Develop will bring on board if partnered with.


RFQ from PreProd Develop: Experience the client inviting PreProd Develop, based on the interactions so far and shares a request for quote (RFQ) document i.e. requesting the service provider to share an approximate cost involved in building the required AI. PreProd Develop has to work on filling the entire document and share it back to the client as per the timeline shared. This a highly confidential process for both of the companies.


RFP solution from PreProd Develop: Experience the client inviting PreProd Develop, based on the RFQ document submission to submit a request for proposal (RFP) document. PreProd Develop has to work on filling the entire document and share it back to the client as per the timeline shared.


SOW between client & PreProd Develop: Experience PreProd Develop landing up a business contract deal with the client to build AI to solve their current business problem. Authorized teams from both the companies signs a statement of work (SOW) that details & highlights all the required information for the entire engagement.


Business Analysis: Experience PreProd Develop employing an experienced business analyst whose responsibility will be to work closely with the client's team to brainstorm all the relevant stakeholders documenting their current vs expected state, functional understanding on all available data and any other information that will help the PreProd Develop to be on the same page as the client's.


POC design & demo: Experience PreProd Develop along with the client's delivery team documents high level requirements and architecture for building the AI as per the current business problem. Experience how PreProd Develop quickly designs and develops high level working model on a sample data that is very close to the one available with the client. Experience how PreProd Develop prepares a detailed demo on the developed POC to the client showcasing their capabilities, validating client's idea and documenting all blockers that the team faced for future retrospective.


System architecture design: Experience PreProd Develop along with the client's technology team designs an exhaustive system design architecture covering data sources, data ingestion, data enrichment, data processing, data storage, data dashboards, data reporting, XAI model training, MLOps and deployment pipelines ensuring all the tools & systems integrate properly, can be ugraded or replaced in future and operate as expected without causing any interruptions which will enable to solve the existing business problem. Experience how PreProd Develop team faces all the challenges and blockers in designing components to be used and integrated ensuring they solve the current business problem for the client keeping budget, skills, timeline, integration with current tech stack, future upgrades, replacements, etc. in scope. Experience how PreProd Develop baselines collection of multiple types of architecture designs detailing components used, data flow, triggers, code flow, integrations, etc. ensuring it solves the existing business problem for the client.


Delivery plan: Experience PreProd Develop along with the client's delivery team establishes a detailed delivery plan that consists of defining the scope of the project, onboarding the right team, milestones, release management, budget, timesheets, monitoring, reporting, communication and all other standard operating procedures (SOP) that will ensure the success of the project.


Project setup: Experience PreProd Develop employing a delivery head, delivery manager, business analyst, technology architect, development team, testing team, dev-ops team, CRM team, etc. enabling them to initiate and deliver the project according to the client's expectations. Experience how PreProd Develop establishes all project documentation, skill matrix, roles-responsibilities mapping and all other required project environments within their existing setup, enabling them to initiate and deliver the project according to the client's expectations. Experience how PreProd Develop establishes a target to deliver the project according to the client's expectations.


Delivery readiness: Experience PreProd Develop equips all the internal stakeholders that are involved in this delivery with a clear scope, client requirements, expected solution, timeline, product board, agile awareness, project documentation, time log, communications, conflict management and all other internal and client recommended best practices for making this delivery a success.


Product board: Experience PreProd Develop along with the client's technology team performs a detailed requirements engineering by listing down all high level, mid level and low level requirements and building an accurate traceability matrix enabling a strong change management. Experience how PreProd Develop translates all requirements into smaller user stories and larger epics ensuring readiness and adaptability for development, testing and maintenance of the entire project. Experience how PreProd Develop documents all the user stories onto an agile board along with their priority, story points and sprint plan i.e. which user story will be picked up and developed in which sprint.


Data engineering spike: Experience PreProd Develop performs a spike event to understand the client's current tech stack, all available data, data sources, data mapping, data functionality and any other details that will help the team to thoroughly understand the existing data. Identify the delta between the system design architecture vs the current skill matrix of the team and fill the delta by training the team on the required skills. The team performs R&D on the tools and technologies that is going to be used prior to starting with the actual development.


Data engineering infrastructure setup: Experience PreProd Develop performs a complete infrastructure setup for data engineering pipeline development. This is a highly challenging task as the team has to carefully choose the operating system, databases, computational environments and compatible programming or scripting languages, libraries and all other required project environments within their existing setup, enabling them to initiate and deliver the project according to the client's expectations.


Data engineering development: Experience PreProd Develop designs and develops a robust data engineering pipeline consisting of configuring data sources, data ingestion, data streaming, data transformation (basic), data enrichment (functional), data processing and storage making the enriched data available for all data consumers.


Data engineering testing: Experience PreProd Develop performs functional, performance security and integration testing for the data engineering pipeline on volume, velocity, variety and veracity of the transformed data. Testing team shares all feedback and identified bugs and recommended transformation logic with the development team to get them fixed.


XAI spike: Experience PreProd Develop performs a spike event where the team members spend some time to understand the client's current tech stack when it comes to designing AIML models. Understands all available data sources, data mapping, data functionality and any other details that will help the team to thoroughly understand the existing data and all possible AIML models that can be trained on the data. Identify the delta between the system design architecture vs the current skill matrix of the team and fill the delta by training the team on the required skills. The team performs R&D on the tools and technologies that is going to be used prior to starting with the actual development.


XAI infrastructure setup: Experience PreProd Develop performs a complete infrastructure setup for AIML training development environment. This is a highly challenging task as the team has to carefully choose the operating system, databases, computational environments and compatible programming or scripting languages, libraries and all other required project environments within their existing setup, enabling them to initiate and deliver the project according to the client's expectations.


XAI development: Experience PreProd Develop designs and develops a XAI pipeline. Experience procuring the transformed data from data engineering team, data transformation and new feature generation out of current data which is compatible with AIML model/s that are currently being experimented by performing exhaustive training and tuning for getting the best possible results. Development of production ready AIML model/s and adds a layer of explainability over it ensuring it provides most accurate results as predictions.


XAI testing: Experience PreProd Develop perform testing and validation for the developed XAI models. Experience model validation on the developed XAI model/s using the controlled live data from the client i.e. client already has provided the results which will be compared with the predictions provided by the XAI model/s. Testing team shares the all feedback and identified delta in the performance with the development team to get them fixed.


Integrating XAI with data engineering pipeline: Experience PreProd Develop performing integration between the developed XAI pipeline with data engineering pipeline. Experience how the technology team streams live data from the client's application data sources into data engineering pipeline and from there to XAI pipelines to train, test, validate and store the training pickle for future use. Experience the demo to the client by showcasing the data engineering and XAI pipelines working together to produce predictions on client's data. All the feedback and recommendations shared by the client for enhancing the performance of the pipelines and predictions is shared with the team to make the recommended fixes.


Machine learning operations (MLOps) spike: Experience PreProd Develop performing a spike event where the team members spend some time to understand the client's current tech stack when it comes to designing machine learning operations pipeline. Understands all the tools, technologies and processes employed by the data engineering and XAI pipelines. Identify the delta between the system design architecture vs the current skill matrix of the team and fill the delta by training the team on the required skills. The team performs R&D on the tools and technologies that is going to be used prior to starting with the actual development.


MLOps infrastructure setup: Experience PreProd Develop performing a spike event where the team members spend some time to understand the client's current tech stack when it comes to designing machine learning operations pipeline. Understands all the tools, technologies and processes employed by the data engineering and XAI pipelines. Identify the delta between the system design architecture vs the current skill matrix of the team and fill the delta by training the team on the required skills. The team performs R&D on the tools and technologies that is going to be used prior to starting with the actual development.


MLOps development: Experience PreProd Develop performing development for the MLOps pipeline. Experience developing schedulers for running data engineering pipeline, drift monitoring system, trigger for XAI model training, XAI model saving and serving the same to the end API. Experience implementing production ready MLOps pipeline ensuring it streams data, processes data, performs AIML model training and provide with most accurate results as predictions.


MLOps deployment (Pre-production): Experience PreProd Develop performing a deployment for implementing MLOps pipeline on pre-production environment. Experience the team works closely with the client's application team to gain all the knowledge and access to client's pre-production environment. Experience deploying and monitoring production ready MLOps pipeline onto client's pre-production environment ensuring it accepts live requests for predictions from the client's application, triggers the serving XAI model to output predictions. In parallel MLOps pipeline also streams live data and makes a decision to retrain the XAI model if required ensuring the client application always interacts with latest XAI model. Experience the demo highlighting the results and reports by running the MLOps pipeline on the pre-production environment. Once the client's technology team gives "Go Ahead", only then the MLOps pipeline is deployed on client's actual production environment.


MLOps deployment (Production): Experience PreProd Develop works closely with client's product and technology team to pull the developed data engineering, XAI and MLOps pipeline onto client's actual production environment where the developed pipelines will work directly with the client's applications that are currently serving their existing users. This is an extremely critical bundle as there are high chances of failure leading to different levels of product failure incidents. PreProd Develop is required to provide 24x7 support either virtually or by deploying an SRE on client's site till the production deployment is labelled successful by the client.


Monitor & reporting pipeline spike: Experience PreProd Develop performs a spike event where the team members spend some time to understand the current tech stack i.e. the data engineering, XAI and MLOps pipelines deployed on client's production environment when it comes to designing monitoring and reporting pipeline. Understands all the tools, technologies and processes employed by the data engineering and XAI pipelines. Identify the delta between the existing architecture vs the current skill matrix of the team and fill the delta by training the team on the required skills. The team performs R&D on the tools and technologies that is going to be used prior to starting with the actual development.


Monitoring & reporting infrastructure setup: Experience PreProd Develop performing a complete infrastructure setup for monitoring and reporting development environment. This is a highly challenging task as the team has to carefully choose the operating system, databases, computational environments and compatible programming or scripting languages, libraries and all other required project environments within their existing setup, enabling them to initiate and deliver the project according to the client's expectations.


Monitoring & reporting development: Experience PreProd Develop performing development for the monitoring and reporting pipeline. Experience developing live interactive dashboards for monitoring data engineering pipeline, data drift, model training, latest and historical model performance measures, computational performance, etc. Experience developing customized automated reports for data engineering pipeline, XAI and MLOps pipelines as per client's dynamic requirements.


Monitoring & reporting pipeline deployment (Pre-production): Experience PreProd Develop performing a deployment for implementing monitoring and reporting pipeline on pre-production environment. Experience the team works closely with the client's application team to validate the dashboards and reports. Once the client's technology team gives "Go Ahead", only then the MLOps pipeline is deployed on client's actual production environment.


Monitoring & reporting pipeline deployment (Production): Experience PreProd Develop working closely with client's product and technology team to pull the developed monitoring and reporting pipeline and integrate with the existing data engineering, XAI and MLOps pipeline onto client's actual production environment where the developed pipelines will work directly with the client's applications that are currently serving their existing users. This is an extremely critical bundle as there are high chances of failure leading to different levels of product failure incidents. PreProd Develop is required to provide 24x7 support either virtually or by deploying an SRE on client's site till the production deployment is labelled successful by the client.


Incident management (P4-low): One of the deployed pipelines in client's production environment is not functioning as expected and may result in a minor impact to client's business in near future. Experience how PreProd Develop is assigned with a task to find the root cause, fix the issue and document all the relevant information as per the SLA agreed in the signed SOW.



Incident management (P3-intermediate): One of the deployed pipelines in client's production environment is not functioning as expected and will result in a considerable impact to client's business in near future. Experience how PreProd Develop is assigned with a task to find the root cause, fix the issue and document all the relevant information as per the SLA agreed in the signed SOW.


Incident management (P2-high): One of the deployed pipelines in client's production environment is not functioning as expected and will result in a serious impact to client's business on immediate basis and may result in temporary downtime. Experience how PreProd Develop is assigned with a task to find the root cause, fix the issue and document all the relevant information as per the SLA agreed in the signed SOW.


Incident management (P1-critical): One of the deployed pipelines in client's production environment is not functioning as expected and will result in a serious impact to client's business on immediate basis and has resulted in downtime. Experience how PreProd Develop is assigned with a task to find the root cause, fix the issue and document all the relevant information as per the SLA agreed in the signed SOW.

Change request (business logic): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of a critical business logic being modified on the business side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.



Change request (data values): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of a critical application data being modified (added or deleted) on the business side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.



Change request (external tool integration): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of a critical external tool being integrated on the product side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.


Change request (feature enhancement): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of strategy for generating new functional features from the existing available data being implemented on the data operations side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.


Change request (infrastructure): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of a critical infrastructure being modified on the technology operations side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.

Change request (distributed computing): Experience how PreProd Develop receives one or many change requests (CR) as a result of distributed computing being integrated on the technology operations side. After careful analysis, PreProd Develop provides a timeline to client for making required changes first on development environment and later it is handed over the testing team for testing. The modified pipeline is deployed on pre-production environment under observations. Once it qualifies all the criteria, the results are demonstrated to the client and upon their approval the same is pulled on client's production environment.

Automate (data engineering pipeline): Experience how PreProd Develop proactively designs an automation POC (not using any of the the client's resources) to automate the entire data engineering process by creating a minimal GUI that can replace entire manual trigger and execution to operate the data engineering pipeline and showcases a considerable ROI in future for the client if implemented. Upon client's approval and allocation of additional budget, the automation is developed, deployed on client's pre-production environment and later onto client's production environment.



Automate (XAI pipeline): Experience how PreProd Develop proactively designs an automation POC (not using any of the the client's resources) to automate the entire XAI pipeline process by creating an AutoML GUI that can replace entire manual trigger and execution to operate the AIML model training pipeline and showcases a considerable ROI in future for the client if implemented. Upon client's approval and allocation of additional budget, the automation is developed, deployed on client's pre-production environment and later onto client's production environment.


Automate (data drift monitoring): Experience how PreProd Develop proactively designs an automation POC (not using any of the the client's resources) to automate the entire data drift monitoring process by creating a minimal GUI that can replace entire manual trigger and execution to operate trigger for AIML model training and showcases a considerable ROI in future for the client if implemented. Upon client's approval and allocation of additional budget, the automation is developed, deployed on client's pre-production environment and later onto client's production environment.

Prediction API (GUI): Experience how PreProd Develop proactively designs an automation POC (not using any of the client's resources) to provide a simple GUI that has AIML model serving on its backend. This GUI enables the client to manually enter the parameters using which the GUI will provide a near to accurate future prediction which could be used internally by client's team for various purposes. Upon client's approval and allocation of additional budget, the automation is developed, deployed on client's pre-production environment and later onto client's production environment.


Project report: Experience how PreProd Develop documents and produces a detailed report on the work delivered for this project highlighting adherence to the project plan, timeline, budget, quality, innovation, speed, technological depth, support, SLAs, efforts, team work, appreciation, success stories and many other KPIs that will enable the client to understand the overall value addition by PreProd Develop throughout this engagement.

Experience how PreProd Develop documents and publishes internal project report to C-suite executives highlighting the profitability, utilization, detailed client appreciation , success stories & feedback, problems faced, retrospective and all other information required to be documented for future use.


Project handover: Experience how PreProd Develop works closely with all the stakeholders from client's side to initiate, execute and conclude the entire project handover process that includes designing a user manual and complete knowledge transfer (KT) on all of the designed pipelines, how they work individually, how they work together and where to focus if something foes wrong with them. This might include any other special request from the client which will enable them to function independently after the engagement is concluded. Experience how PreProd Develop works closely with all the client's C-suite executive to complete all the formalities prior to the closure of the engagement.