Emulating AI

To learn how to build AI

" Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I learn "

- Benjamin Franklin

Emulet Platform

PreProd Emulet is an up-skilling platform that enables learning via emulating complex AI technology pipelines on actual industry environments for actual business problems. 

Under Emulet program, you will learn to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain data engineering, XAI, MLOps and monitoring &reporting pipelines for a product on actual industry environments.

Please use the below link to understand in-depth on our vision, mission and offerings under Emulet program.

Is this platform for you ?

If all the following points resonate with you, only then you should consider investing your time in exploring the Emulet program further:

I have the relevant time, maturity and patience to plan, learn, design, develop, test, deploy, and maintain complex AI pipelines, to empower products as is done in the core industry

I am ready to invest my time in learning complex skills and not take any shortcuts. I am willing to read-learn from multiple sources to understand a complex topic

I am eager to learn-unlearn-relearn-implement complex programming, as practiced in the core industry without taking any shortcut towards achieving excellence

I possess patience and dedication towards mastering complex AI pipelines in a real-world production environment before showcasing these skill on my professional CV-Networks


Self paced learning

Emulet offers self paced online learning courses that will enable you to learn and implement AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems


Industry masterclass

Emulet offers online & offline learning sessions that will enable you to learn and implement AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems


Industry bootcamp

Emulet offers online & offline exhaustive learning bootcamps that will enable you to learn and implement AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems


Industry hackathon

Emulet offers online & offline product building hackathons that will enable you to implement AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems


Work on production

Emulet offers online & offline opportunities where you can be part of PreProd Corp's technology team to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems



PreProd Emulet offers 5 core products that will enable you to learn and implement AI on actual industry production environments for solving actual business problems.


Emulet is meticulously designed by the core founding team behind PreProd Corp to bridge the gap between academia and industry by transparently showcasing the tools, technologies, and best practices used in the industry to design, deliver, and maintain AI on an actual industry environment. The program allows learners to immerse themselves in an emulated setting, giving them the experience of being an integral part of an industry team currently developing AI for its clients.

Data and AI are rapidly becoming essential technologies for students, academic institutions, and businesses to achieve their respective goals. While millions of users benefit from AI applications, there are only a few core engineers capable of creating original, high-quality AI solutions. At PreProd Corp, on a mission to enable you to build ethical, explainable, responsible and sustainable AI.

Krishnav Dave | Founder & CEO

Harish S | Co-founder & CTO

Emulet applications

Under any of the 5 Emulet offerings, you will be building AI for actual industry applications on actual industry environments for solving actual business problems. Please use the button below to explore innovative technology applications developed by PreProd Emulet.

Wrong expectations from this program

We strongly believe there are no shortcuts to success. Therefore, Emulet programs will not be easy and will require your efforts. Please refrain from enrolling if you have the following expectations from the Emulet program:

Comparing Emulet to other educational technology platforms, seeking quick skill acquisition through minimal time investment.

If you believe that by merely enrolling, your job is done and Emulet will magically up-skill you without genuine efforts from your side.

You don't wish to put yourself onto an uncomfortable situation to read, experiment, fail, unlearn, relearn modern tech stack.

You neither read complex & lengthy documentation nor wish to work-learn by working on complex coding, scripting, or environments.

Beyond Ed-Tech

PreProd Emulet is a new age emulation medium between having skills and implementing skills as done in the industry. Emulet programs ensures you get comfortable with complex working environments as practiced in the actual industry ensuring your familiarity when you join one in real-life. 

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