Whether you are a student, graduate, working professional, or business owner passionate about gaining skills to design, develop, and deploy AI in actual industry environments, you are in the right place. Please use one of the scenarios below to choose the appropriate PreProd Corp platform to achieve your goal:

Scenario 1: You possess no or minimal knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via learning from scratch and building a solid fundamentals. You should read more about PreProd Opnsrc.

Scenario 2: You possess entry or intermediate level knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via implementing the same on actual industry environments ensuring you get the exact same experience as done by industry professionals. You should read more about PreProd Emulet.

Scenario 3: You are currently working on building AI and you require an expert help to identify, manage and clear all blockers ensuring you build your AI as planned. You should read more about PreProd Consult.

Scenario 4: You currently have an idea on building AI product/s. You require a proper framework and technology expertise to plan, design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and support the AI product on actual production environment. You should read more about PreProd Develop.

ACADEMIC Institutions

You are an academic institution, an autonomous college or a university having students and faculty who are passionate about gaining skills to design, develop, and deploy AI in actual industry environments, you are in the right place. Please use one of the scenarios below to choose the appropriate PreProd Corp platform to achieve your goal:

Scenario 1: You possess no or minimal knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via learning from scratch and building a solid fundamentals. You should read more about PreProd Opnsrc.

Scenario 2: You possess entry or intermediate level knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via implementing the same on actual industry environments ensuring you get the exact same experience as done by industry professionals. You should read more about PreProd Emulet.

Scenario 3: You are currently working on building AI and you require an expert help to identify, manage and clear all blockers ensuring you build your AI as planned. You should read more about PreProd Consult.

Scenario 4: You currently have an idea on building AI product/s. You require a proper framework and technology expertise to plan, design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and support the AI product on actual production environment. You should read more about PreProd Develop.


You are a business corporation, having employees and leadership who are passionate about gaining skills to design, develop, and deploy AI in actual industry environments, you are in the right place. Please use one of the scenarios below to choose the appropriate PreProd Corp platform to achieve your goal:

Scenario 1: You possess no or minimal knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via learning from scratch and building a solid fundamentals. You should read more about PreProd Opnsrc.

Scenario 2: You possess entry or intermediate level knowledge on AI technology. You strongly believe in mastering a technology via implementing the same on actual industry environments ensuring you get the exact same experience as done by industry professionals. You should read more about PreProd Emulet.

Scenario 3: You are currently working on building AI and you require an expert help to identify, manage and clear all blockers ensuring you build your AI as planned. You should read more about PreProd Consult.

Scenario 4: You currently have an idea on building AI product/s. You require a proper framework and technology expertise to plan, design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and support the AI product on actual production environment. You should read more about PreProd Develop.